1. How do I go about registering ?
Once you have selected the course, you wish to purchase, choose a payment method, and use our secure interface to proceed with the payment.
2. What should I do if I lose my password ?
Click on “Forgot Password?” to receive your reset instructions.
3. How long does it take to validate the entire course ?
You have unlimited, lifetime access to the course. You can start your training whenever you want, and there is no time limit to complete it.
4. Will traveling be necessary ?
No. All training takes place online. Thanks to your credentials, educational tools and materials are accessible from any computer, tablet, or smartphone. The courses are accessible from anywhere if you have an Internet connection.
5. How will I be assessed during the training ?
You will find a quiz at the end of each module. These quizzes are not mandatory but are recommended to assess your knowledge and prepare for the final exam.
At the end of the training, there will be a multiple-choice exam. You must get 80% correct answers to pass. If your score is less than 80% correct answers, you will be given the option to retake the exam. Once you have successfully completed it, you will be able to print your certificate online.
6. What material is used for training ?
You will find a quiz at the end of each module. These quizzes are not mandatory but are recommended to assess your knowledge and prepare for the final exam.
At the end of the training, an exam in the form of a multiple-choice questionnaire is offered. To validate it, you must get 80% correct answers. If your score is less than 80% correct answers, you will be given the option to retake the exam. Once you have successfully completed it, you will be able to print your certification online.
7. What supports are used for training ?
Our courses include downloadable PDFs and audios.
8. What should I do if I’m not able to download the course ?
Log out and restart your connection to the site. If you are still experiencing problems, try opening it in another browser or pause it (depending on your Internet speed, this may take some time to load). Make sure to keep your browser up to date and check your plug-ins. Also, remember to empty your caches and cookies from time to time. You can also check that no firewall or anti-virus is blocking the opening.
9. What is the certificate ?
The certificate cannot be equated with a diploma. However, it allows official recognition of the level of qualification obtained through this training. So, whether it is to reassure your clients or strengthen your CV, this certificate can be an additional asset in your professional career.
Our certificates attest to the knowledge acquired during the training and your diligence in following the course. You must have completed the entire training and get 80% correct answers on the final exam to obtain a certificate.
10. Are the courses accessible to everyone ?
Our courses are for both beginners and professionals. So, whether it is to supplement your knowledge or learn a new profession, our courses will be accessible to you.

11. Are your lessons guaranteed ? Our training comes with a 30-day guarantee. Thirty days to change your mind and request a refund, no questions asked